
Cape Pilgrimage history

Commemorative plaque in front wall

In the front wall of the cape hermitage there is a commemorative plaque, in Spanish, with, more or less, the following inscription:

By the year 1880, during marine sponge collection, some people found a wooden box on the beach with some glazed tiles representing Our Lady of the Rosary.

Alonso famisy, who owned these lands, decided to build a little monument. After some years the monument was extended to the current hermitage and a Virgin figure was made.

In May they used to bring the figure to Santa Pola, at Alonso’s home, where the virgin faithful said “the flowers”, and on Saint James day, they sent back the virgin to her hermitage in a popular pilgrimage.

During the war people looted and burned the hermitage, and in 1946 the town council offered to reconstruct it.

Since then until 1986, Amparo Alonso “La Garrúa” looked after the virgin image.

Hermitage restored in May of 2005 by Guadalupe Gómez Alonso, founders descendant.

Cape hermitage - front wall

Related interesting articles

Cultural association l’Antina (Associació Cultural l’Antina) has in their website an interesting paper about Santa Pola hermitages. download pdf file

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